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60 mins
Struggling with a new device or program? Need to improve your digital workflows and organisation? You can use this one hour session to discuss anything computer/IT/internet/phone/tablet related! ALL TIMES ARE IN AUSTRALIAN CENTRAL TIME ZONE.
60 mins
Struggling with a new device or program? Need to improve your digital workflows and organisation? You can use this one hour session to discuss anything computer/IT/internet/phone/tablet related! ALL TIMES ARE IN AUSTRALIAN CENTRAL TIME ZONE.
60 mins
Have your own personal time (via a ZOOM Meeting) on line with a professional historical researcher, either one-on-one or with a group of friends (up to 5 participants). Discuss your research, learn about a new app or database - whatever you want! Work on your computer with your files in the comfort of your own home. ALL TIMES ARE IN AUSTRALIAN CENTRAL TIME ZONE.
60 mins
Have your own personal time with a professional historical researcher, either one-on-one or with a group of friends (up to 5 participants) at our offices. Discuss your research, learn about a new app or database - whatever you want! ALL TIMES ARE IN AUSTRALIAN CENTRAL TIME ZONE.
60 mins
$100 for the first hour (payable at booking) and $60 per hour (in 15 minute increments) after that (payable at end of session).
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